I went to an early session today with my friend/visiting teacher Betty. This is the 2nd month we've been going to the temple together. Earlier this year Betty came to my home to give me a private lesson on making cinnamon rolls. I've made it one more time on my own since and I think I did pretty good.
Kevin signed us up to do sealings last Saturday which was a great way to spend our 9th wedding anniversary. We also went to a nice dinner courtesy of Doug who gave us a Cheesecake Factory giftcard for Christmas. Rob also spent a few days with us last week. It's always a treat to have him not just because he makes us waffles for breakfast but because he's such a fun nephew.
What a neat way to spend your Anniversary.
Tell Rob to come visit us in Seattle. I could go for some yummy waffles.
Hey, Dan and I are here at Penny's and we're showing her your beautiful flowers. We're going to get her set up so she can blog with us. Watch for her blogsite coming soon to all available bloggers. "}.
Hi there, Dan and I are here at Penny's and we're showing her your beautiful flowers. We're both jealous but it is getting lighter here in the mornings. Today I could actually see the houses I was driving by.
Regardless, we're going to get Penny set up on her own email and blogsite. Watch for her upcoming Blogsite coming soon for all to enjoy.
Love you!!
Your yard is looking so nice. Keep up the good work.
I'm excited about all the wonderful things you are doing with your "time off"; gardening, cinnamon rolls; temple sessions; dinners and WAFFLES. I think you've got quite the life. Do you remember the show, "The Life of Reilly"? Reilly is a dog and has a great life. Maybe you are living "The Life of Cooper and Max".
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