Thursday, February 7, 2008

Cattails and Lilies

Here's a picture of our pond this cold morning here in South Orange County. We have about 15 kois in the pond right now. They are all about a foot or more in size. I love the purple flowers in the back. I don't know what they're called but they've been there since we got our home. We planted cattails and more waterlilies (red this time) in the pond last week and I'm excited to see them bloom.


Sandy said...

Wow! It's beautiful there. What glorious colors! I have such fond memories of sitting in your backyard and just soaking it all up.

How's the job search going? How's Cooper doing? It's nice that you're able to be at home with/for him. What a great mom!! Love you!

Will Thomas said...

Hi Ellen,

I found your blog through my Mom. You and Kevin have them best home & backyard. Whenever Jenni & I look through our pictures from visiting you last summer she always says, "ah, it would be nice to be sitting in there backyard poolside soaking in the sun right now"

Good luck with the job search!