So what's occupying our time lately?
Kevin & I repainted our bathroom on Good Friday. Kevin said it was going to be a 4 hour job but it turned out to be a 2 day job. We got the bathroom together a few hours before driving to LAX to meet Sam & Sara who visited after their Cancun honeymoon. We had a blast getting to know the new Mrs. Steele. She is so COOL. Doug, Linda and Rob joined us for Easter dinner.
We've been spending our Saturdays gardening. Kevin put new drip lines and fixed the sprinklers on the kitchen side of our yard. We are enjoying our flowers and seeing more color in our yard.
We visited my mom and aunties in San Diego last Sunday. It's always fun seeing them because we get to eat home cooked Filipino food and Max/Cooper gets to run around the yard where there's more to sniff and dig. We also dropped by Doug & Linda's (Jenn and Rob & Rob's friend Elizabeth were there too) and got a glimpse of The Flower Fields which is near their home. We're going back there in a week or so when the flowers are in full bloom.